Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Language Arts 5 Paragragh Essay

   Sean, the Best FBI Agent There Ever Was
               When I grow up I think I'd make a great FBI agent. One of my favorite things to do is to help people. I even have some experience at helping people. I'm really good at helping people, I want to catch criminals and I want to be a authority figure, I will be the best FBI agent that there ever was!
               Helping people has always come naturally to me. There was that time when I helped an old lady across the street. I'm always trying to help people. Whenever I help someone, I feel good. Being able to help people is the first step along the path to becoming a FBI agent.
               Wanting to catch criminals is another thing I really enjoy. It's so exciting to catch someone red handed. When I've caught I feel alive. I am to catching criminals, what magnets are to catching metal. Being able to catch criminals for the rest of my life would be thrilling!
               Wanting to be an authority figure takes a special talent. I gained a lot of experience at wanting to be a leader at coast guard boot camp. I learned a lot about being a leader. For example I lead my group and got a token for it. The time I spent at coast guard boot camp is sure to give me an advantage when it comes to becoming a leader.
              The three most important ingredients required in order to become a successful FBI agent are being good at helping people, wanting to catch criminals and wanting to be a leader. I'm never so happy as when I'm in the midst of helping people. It's like when Bob said," Yeah give Sean a call he'd love to help." When I think about being an FBI agent, I smile, and that's why I'll be the best FBI agent there ever was!

  I got this picture at: